Getting the timezone for leads in a form

To gather the timezone information from leads in a form, you can include a specific hidden field or a visible pick list with a default value dedicated to capturing this data.

Here’s how you can go about it:

1. Add a timezone field

Include a timezone field in your lead capture form for users to select their location.
Provide a list of commonly used timezones or allow user to manually enter their timezone if it does not appear on the list. You can do this using a dropdown or a select field.

2. Clearly label the field

Make sure to label the field clearly, such as “Timezone” or “Select Your Timezone” to avoid any confusion.

3. Provide helpful instructions

Add a brief description or tooltip near the field to explain why you’re asking for the timezone information. For example, you could mention that it will help ensure timely communication or personalized scheduling.

4. Defualt Value

Set a default value for the timezone field based on the user’s location or the most commonly used timezone for your target audience. This can provide convenience to users who don’t need to change the default value.

5. Validation and Error Handling

Implement robust validation for the timezone field to ensure users provide a valid selection. If the field is left blank or an invalid entry is detected, prominently display a clear and helpful error message to guide the user on how to correctly fill out the field.

6. Integration with CRM

Make sure the timezone field data is properly captured and integrated into your CRM system. This will allow you to store and utilize the timezone information for future communications and scheduling.

7. Consider Privacy and Compliance

Ensure that you adhere to all relevant data privacy regulations. Clearly inform users about how their provided timezone information will be collected, used, and protected. Be transparent about your data handling practices to build trust with your users.

Push time zone into a field in a form – javascript exmaple

<!DOCTYPE html>

<form id="leadform">
<input name="timezone" id="timezone" type="hidden">


By including a dedicated timezone field in your lead capture form, you can gather valuable information that can help you personalize communication, schedule appointments, and ensure better engagement with your leads across different time zones.